Networx Utilities provides a comprehensive water connection service across domestic/residential, commercial and industrial sectors. We are accredited as a WIRS self-lay provider and can undertake all aspects of mains water supply, services, meter connection requirements and pumped rising main installations.
We offer an alternative to mains and service connections on a new development being installed by an incumbent water provider. Developers can engage us as a WIRS accredited self-lay organisation.
Under the self-lay option, the developer must appoint a company accredited under the Lloyds Water Industry Registration Scheme (WIRS) as being competent to install mains and services to meet with the requirements of the Water Provider, and their self-lay policy and addendum.
Get in touch discuss your water connection requirements.
Our services include:
- Complete design and implementation package
- Complete construction package (main and services)
- Installation only (mains water supply and services)
- On and off-site trench works
- Coordination of works
- Establish and confirm POCs (point of connection)
- Infrastructure diversions
- Disconnections
- Temporary water supplies